Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Saddam Husseis’s Death

Saddam Hussein's birth time not known, Pandit Ashutosh Ojha writes in AFA Bulletin 5/31/1991, "Hussein was born on the night of April 27 or the morning of April 28; the reported time is 3:35 AM Baghdad time (-3 hrs).".....Bill Meridian quotes a Lebanese astrologer who said that Hussein's mother went into labor on the night of April 27 and delivered on the early 28th; rectified to 00:07 AM BGT.

Saddam was the President of Iraq from July 16, 1979, consolidating the power he wielded for almost three decades as Iraq's president, until a US-led coalition drove him out in 2003, April 9.

He promoted the illusion of a powerful Iraq — with the world's fourth largest army and weapons of terrible destruction, Kuwait in 1991.

He ended up dragged from a hole by American soldiers in December 2003.

Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes in the 1982 killings of 148 people in the town of Dujail.

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